Thursday, July 25, 2013

The contact with your Inner Guide will expose all your ugliness

A real Teacher not only encourages you to strive or tells you that you are essentially Divine. He also tells you how obnoxious you are at times and how full of vices and wrong motives you are. Then, when you become a soul-directed personality, your Teacher will lead you to your Inner Guide, Who, from that date on, will take care of your progress.

When you have the privilege of coming in contact with your Inner Guide, you will not have an easy time of it because His Beauty will expose all your ugliness; His Purity will bring to the surface all your moral dirt; His love will reveal to you how much hatred you harbor; His Light will show you how very dishonest you are.

Such revelations will sometimes lead you to the “dark night of the soul.” Once I heard my Teacher saying to an elderly man, “Learn how to stand erect in the winds of the outer world so that you will be able to stand erect in the gales of the inner world.”

-Torkom Saraydarian
Education as Transformation vol.2

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