Saturday, July 04, 2015

The best way to unfold our chakras

We are told that every human being is equipped with chakras, also called centers, and they are not only sources of energies but also doors leading us to higher planes and to a higher consciousness.

There are seven major centers in our etheric body that directly affect our physical body through the ductless glands and nerves.

These centers can be in any of the following conditions:

-active and unfolded
-half active

Knowing that the conditions of the centers have a direct effect on the human consciousness and body and behavior, people tried to use various methods to awaken them, stimulate them, and to benefited by their awakening. These people are as follows:

-Dark forces or agents
-Ignorant Teachers

1. The Masters, with Their knowledge and information, try to prepare some people for advanced initiations and work on the centers of the candidate to awaken the centers with the cooperation of the candidate. Their aim is to prepare advanced leaders to meet certain unexpected or evident needs of humanity. Masters work on higher centers. They work on the head center, the throat center, and the heart and ajna centers.

2. Dark agents try to stimulate and unfold the lower centers, such as the base of spine, sacral center, and solar plexus. Their intentions are
    a. To create excess force in their victims and lead them into destructive actions, crimes, etc.
    b. Generally, to overstimulate the sacral center and lead people into unhealthy relationships.
    c. To destroy a person who has the potential to be a leader for light

3. Ignorant Teachers gather people around them and make them do various kinds of meditation to stimulate their chakras. They do not have a sense of responsibility and do not care what happens to their students in the future. Generally they travel from place to place so as not to see the consequences of their labor.

People under such teachers are at a high risk for various diseases and complicated problems of psychological health.

4. Opportunists are those who make money in teaching about the chakras, of which they have only superficial knowledge.

The Teaching says that the centers must be left alone until the time they show signs of naturally unfolding under the influence of

1. Purity of life
2. Expansion of consciousness
3. Sacrificial service
4. Compassion
4. Right meditation

These are the safest methods that can be used to make our centers bloom and connect our mind to higher dimensions.

Some Don’ts:

1. It is absolutely forbidden to meditate on the chakras except under the supervision of your Teacher, who clairvoyantly sees the effect of your meditation in your bodies and life.

2. It is forbidden to exercise Hatha Yoga, since it stimulates the ganglias built by the centers and affects the centers. Hatha Yoga can be used only to cure certain etheric sickness, done under the supervision of a clairvoyant medical doctor.

3. Chakras can be stimulated by breathing exercises, and ignorant teachers allow their students to use various breathing exercises to stimulate various centers. Real Masters of the centers forbid such an action, warning us that it can have a drastic influence on our health.

4. Centers can be stimulated by certain drugs. Such an action is equal to suicide.

Some Do’s:

The Teaching says that the best way to unfold our centers is for all centers to unfold harmoniously and coordinate with each other through expansion of consciousness, purity of life, meditation, and sacrificial service.

Under the influence of the expansion of consciousness, centers open naturally and without causing any damage to either the etheric body or the physical body.

Any time you are advised to work on the centers, be very cautious. Do not risk your life.

If the personality is not clear of maya, glamor, and illusion, the increasing energy of the centers makes your maya, glamors, and illusions uncontrollable. You feel you have fallen in to the current of a flood – going toward destruction. The released energies multiply your habits, hang-ups, moral weaknesses, and a time comes when you lose control entirely. It is here that you can fall into the danger of obsession or the confusion emerging from your subconscious mind.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Esoteric Science of Healing

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