Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Karma as an echo - Sai Baba

Once there was a cowherd who used to take the cows for grazing to a place surrounded by three mountains. One day when the cows were grazing, he sat down under a tree and started singing a song in praise of God. As he sang the song, he heard its echo. He thought that someone was imitating his song to tease him. Therefore, he shouted in anger at the invisible intruder, and heard its resound in the same angry tone. In this state of anger, he went home and did not even take his food. His mother asked him why he was so upset. He narrated what had happened. Next day, his mother accompanied him and came to know that it was his own echo which was the cause of his trouble. In the same manner if you criticize or abuse anybody, all that will come back to you. The world is nothing but reaction, reflection and resound. Whatever you do will come back to you, and nothing else. This is the divine law. Those who are full of love will see love everywhere. Those who are full of hatred will see enemies all around. Therefore, love and hatred do not come from outside. They have their origin within you. The good and bad you experience arise out of your own feelings. God is not responsible for any of these. God is Nirguna, Niranjana, Sanathana (attributeless, pure, final abode). It is only your feelings that change. God is changeless.

-Sai Baba

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