Sunday, September 10, 2006

Waste of sexual energy

Sex energy is a very valuable energy because it proceeds to become vitality, sensitivity in the brain cells, impressionability in the aura, creativity in the mind, magnetism and healing radiation in the centers. Through it we provide the materials or substance to build our higher vehicles on individual and global scales. For this reason it should not be wasted, but should be used for procreative purposes, and to create beauty, transmutation and bliss. When wasted in massive quantities by nations or large groups of human beings, the entire mechanism of human beings or nations cannot respond to creative energies, but rather distorts them, causing imbalance which invites destruction. Many nations and groups have been destroyed in this way.

People sometimes think that the source of energy is inexhaustible. This is true if you are at a stage in which you do not use the energy for any personal pleasure and satisfaction, but use it only to further the Divine Purpose. Below this level, your quota of energy is limited. This accounts for the fact that when people feel a lack of sexual energy, they consume more food and use more alcohol or other stimulants to fill the vacuum.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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