Sunday, February 04, 2007

Humour in spiritual life

Q: How does Babaji feel about the sense of humor on the spiritual path? A: On the spiritual path, people think you have to sit sadly and be serious all the time, thinking about God. When a person's mind is purified, the mind develops happiness. In that state of happiness, the mind becomes playful.
-Baba Hari Dass

One will always find that the most evolved sages can be amused; that is why they are pleasant to meet and to speak to. Worrying comes from self- pity and fear, and fear is made of the clouds of ignorance; the light will dissolve it. Humor is the sign of light: when the light from above touches the mind it tickles the mind, and it is the tickling of mind which produces humor.

-Hazrat Inayat Khan

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