Thursday, October 23, 2008

Laziness, rest and psychic energy

We are told that one of the corrupting agents of psychic energy is inaction, laziness. When we withdraw into inaction and laziness, psychic energy dissipates and leaves our physical and emotional mechanisms in fatigue, in an exhausted state. People think that rest is inaction and laziness, but the real meaning of rest is equilibrium. In rest you use a different muscle of your body, a different vehicle of your constitution to balance your mechanism and charge the parts that need energy. Whenever the mechanism is balanced, psychic energy regenerates the whole system.

One of the secrets of health is to know how to turn on various parts of the whole mechanism rhythmically.

Psychic energy passes from one person to another through their handshake and other contacts, even through eye contact.

Psychic energy condenses in our nerve channels and emanates through our palms and fingers. People can heal others, if they have enough psychic energy, not only through their hands but also through their eyes.

All true psychic powers are the fruit of psychic energy.
Without psychic energy one can perform "miracles" but not the miracle of enlightening, transforming others, and revealing in them the sleeping Divine Presence.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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