Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blood transfusion & organ transplants

Urusvati knows about the problems involved in the transfusion of blood. The physical properties of the blood are already being taken into account [presumably the types ‹‹ O, A, AB, etc], but these are primitive considerations, and two additional aspects should be mentioned. It will soon be learned that the psychic quality of blood is of particular importance, and the time will come when its karmic condition will also be taken into account. Only by attention to all three aspects will the right results be obtained."

"Mixing supplies of whole blood is proof of ignorance. From both the physical and the psychic point of view one should consider what incompatible elements have indiscriminately combined to produce a false cure instead of a real one." "We are sorry to see how indiscriminately people handle the most powerful substances. Psychologists must broaden their knowledge, for it is they who can give the needed advice to humanity. They must teach people to think more subtly, so that they are able to discern the limits that must not be crossed."

"The ethnic characteristics of blood become less evident as the nations are mixed. But a reading of the aura will reveal other, psychic differences. Karmic harmony between the donor and the recipient is necessary, therefore the transfusion of blood of close relatives may not be the best. People will need to discern the karmic connections, and in this task astrology and clairvoyance will be useful aids."

-Agni Yoga


thoughts of Gurus R.H.H on the subject of both blood and organs. the extracts are taken from the book "Talk Does Not Cook the Rice, a Commentary on the Teaching of Agni Yoga.

On blood:

33. Also, it's not good to give blood to someone else unless it's to someone of the same consciousness because through yoga your alchemy has changed your blood chemistry , and if you put that blood into someone of a lower consciousness, it will shock them and do a lot of damage.. Their consciousness lifts and they are not ready for it. On the other hand, if you accept blood from someone who is not as developed and is not working consciously , it will affect your whole system." (Talk. p. 22)

On organs:

33. It is not good for yogis to give their eyes or heart or various organs to medical science because this will damage the subtle body, and when you come back in the next life there will be a weakness in that area. It's part of the seed of the spirit......"It takes several lifetimes to get over something like this." You come in with all this weakness. (Ibid)

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