Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Karma and reincarnation

Karma is not punishment for ill-deeds but a supreme way for nature to heal wounds created by our actions. 'Reincarnation' is the belief that the human soul is eternal and lives on its journey to return to its Divine Source.

Sometimes karma works in the following way. Suppose you went close to a porcupine and he projected ten needles into your body. Karma is like taking them out of your body, οne by one, αnd releasing you from the pain that afflicts you.

'Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. There is no effect without a cause; there is no child without a parent. Whatever you sow, you reap. This applies not only to that which we see around us, but it also applies to our emotions, thoughts, actions and words. Whatever cause we create, we will receive effects. If there is an effect, there must be a cause; if there is a cause, there will be an effect.'

'For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms. How conscious are we going to be? What actions are we going to release and what reactions can we expect in return?'

-Torkom Saraydarian

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