Sunday, November 23, 2008


God of all men, God of all life, in the humanity we are dreaming of:

- Politicians are profoundly humanistic and strive to serve the common good;

- Economists manage state finances with discernment and in the interest of all;

- Scientists are spiritualistic and seek their inspiration in the Book of Nature;

- Artists are inspired and express the beauty and purity of the Divine Plan in their works;

- Physicians are motivated by love for their fellow-beings and treat both the soul and the body;

- Misery and poverty have vanished, for everyone has what he needs to live happily;

- Work is not regarded as a chore, but as a source of growth and well-being;

- Nature is considered to be the most beautiful temple of all, and animals are considered to be our brethren on the path of evolution;

- A World Government composed of the leaders of all nations, working in the interest of all humanity, has come into existence.

- Spirituality is an ideal and a way of life which spring forth from a Universal Religion, founded more upon the knowledge of divine laws than upon the belief in God;

- Human relations are founded upon love, friendship, and fraternity, so that the whole world lives in peace and harmony.

So Mote It Be!

Taken from the MANIFESTO Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis published by the Rosicrucian Order AMORC and available from

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