Saturday, November 29, 2008

Why Meditate?

Why Meditate? Meditate because meditation improves every area and every part of your life.

Meditate because it is good for you.

Meditate because it will fulfill you.

Meditate because you need to find your purpose for this lifetime.

Meditate so you can gain the higher knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment.

Meditate so you can offer knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment to others.

Meditate so you can become compatible to your Creator.

Meditate so you may enter the inner levels of consciousness with awareness.

Meditate so that you may overcome sadness, depression, anger, greed, jealous, envy, resentment, hatred, insecurity, and low Self worth.

Meditate because it is the most fulfilling, rewarding, thing you can do. In meditation you may experience love and you will be filled with Light.

Meditate so that each day will go well for you.

Meditate so that each day you will feel and be centered and aligned.

Meditate so you will be a better husband, wife, mother, father, partner, boss, child, employee, etc.

Meditate so you will be a better friend.

Meditate so you may form deeper friendships.

Meditate so you may know God.

Meditate so you may experience the Creator.

Meditate so you will expand your consciousness.

Meditate so you will be happy.

Meditate because change is the greatest competence one can acquire.

Meditate to enable yourself to change and grow easily.

Meditate so that you can heal your self.

Meditate to youthen and re-energize every cell in the body.

Meditate to find peace within.

Meditate to use the many gifts and talents that you were given.

Meditate to help change the consciousness of the planet.

Meditate to know that you are more than the physical body and five senses.

Meditate to raise your energy and block negativity around you.

Meditate for greater clarity and focus.

Meditate so that you can feel the connection with all of life.

Meditate so that you can achieve more in your day.

Meditate to do something for yourself that only you can give yourself.

*From the book Superconscious Meditation by Daniel R. Condron

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