Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Guardian Angels

In the Letters of Helena Roerich I, p. 18, 26 May 1934:

"10. Now, regarding "guardian angels." It is true that every human being has his or her own Guardian Angel. And we must understand them not only as concrete Beings from higher spheres but, more often, as our own spirit, our higher triad, or our true individual Ego, which, unfortunately, is very rarely able to make a person listen to its voice. Sometimes this voice is known as our conscience."

"It is also quite true that many people have friends and relatives who, having passed on before them, sometimes intervene in their lives, trying to direct and help them. The real Guardian Angels are the Great Spirits, the Hierarchy of Light, the Great Sacred Fraternity, which is always guarding the human needs and evolution. Some of these Guardian Angels (but of course in the rarest cases) become the Guides of exceptional individuals. Their Ray continuously searches for newly awakened consciousnesses and those of flaming hearts, in order to support and direct them. But in our age, unfortunately, the guardian angels of the vast majority are dark obsessors from the lower spheres, whose voices are much more easily assimilated, as they never disagree with our earthly desires. But woe to those who allow such to approach!"

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