Wednesday, December 03, 2008

If you wish to maintain harmony in relationships

"Human relationships are very complicated things, whether they are with members of your family, friends, colleagues from work and so on, or even with people you don't know. If you wish to maintain harmony and mutual understanding, you must forget yourself a little; try not to always put forward your own points of view and tastes, but demonstrate understanding, tolerance and patience. It is a sacrifice, but sacrifice is a force; yes, this is the great idea you must bow to. Of course, there's something in you that resists: sacrifice implies limitation and loss. But you must understand it's your lower nature that retaliates, whereas your higher nature rejoices.

Stop bringing everything back to yourself, to your opinions, your feelings and desires. Concentrate on a noble, luminous ideal, for this will swallow up the thousand difficulties you encounter every day in your relationships with others. You will no longer even see these difficulties, and even if you do they will no longer affect you."

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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