Monday, December 08, 2008

A life of anarchy

"Those who do not place heaven at the centre of their life live a life of anarchy. You will say, 'But I'm not an anarchist, in fact I'm against anarchy, and besides I'm not bothered about heaven, I don't believe in it.' This is perhaps intellectually true, but deep down you live in anarchy, for what really matters to you? Perhaps you will say it's the good of the community, the brotherhood of humankind, for nowadays everyone claims to think altruistically about the whole world. But let's see how you go about it. Have you really mobilized your thoughts, feelings and energies in this direction?

If you are honest, you will be forced to admit you are driven in all directions; you go wherever you think you can find pleasure, satisfy your ambition or get more money or honours. Well, that is true anarchy: inner anarchy. It's the state most people live in until they have learnt to mobilize and coordinate all their energies and place them at the service of a divine ideal."

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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