Sunday, December 14, 2008

"The so-called devil is active and tireless, whereas good people are weak and tire quickly"

Faced with the misfortunes humanity is suffering, people everywhere are complaining that the world is in a terrible state. They talk, they criticise, they protest and become angry; and while they are preoccupied with their arguments, complaints, and fits of rage, evil continues its course of action. In their opinion, God is responsible, since he does nothing to stop it.

I have often told you that the so-called devil has one quality, and only one, but it is an extraordinary quality: he is active, energetic, and tireless, whereas good people are weak and tire quickly. They think it is enough to be kind and inoffensive; when they have done a few good deeds, they are satisfied with themselves and then must rest. Who knows when they will ever get back to work! Good does not stimulate them in the same way that evil stimulates criminals. But whose fault is that? It is not God who prevents them from cultivating a fraternal attitude and working for the good of society.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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