Monday, December 22, 2008

Why must we get rid of our ego?

1. Ego makes it impossible for us to be our true, real Self. It makes the labor of self-improvement and inner unfoldment impossible.

2. Ego prevents the possibility of right human relations, unity, and global peace.

3. When you create your ego, you travel with your mask throughout millenniums, and you cannot cast it away unless someone destroys it for you, with your help.

4. Ego is the cause for many psychological illnesses.

5. Ego is like building a shell around you and burying your real Self in it.

6. False values and standards do not allow you to enjoy higher states of consciousness and come in contact with Higher Worlds.

7. Ego is a psychological tumor. It may manifest as a real tumor in your physical body or as a criminal, secret organization in society to your environment.

8. No great structures can be built upon a ego. All that you build upon an ego is destined to perish.

9. Ego is the cause of suffering and pain for others, and it is a source of self-torture.

10. Ego prevents clear communication with people and distorts reality and facts.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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