Thursday, January 22, 2009

Alice Bailey DK - The problem of sex

One thing I will say, sad though it may seem to you to be. There is no immediate solution of the problem of sex with which we are at this time confronted. For ages men have misused and wrongly employed a God-given function; they have prostituted their birthright, and through their laxity and license, and through their lack of control, they have inaugurated an era of disease, both mental and physical, of wrong attitudes and illusory relations which it will take several centuries to eradicate; they have also brought too rapidly into incarnation myriads of human beings who were not yet ready for the experience of this incarnation, and who needed longer interludes between births wherein to assimilate experience. Those souls who are unevolved come into incarnation with rapidity; but older souls need longer periods wherein to garner the fruits of experience. They are however open to the magnetic attractive power of those who are alive on the physical plane, and it is these souls who can be brought prematurely into incarnation.

-Alice Bailey
Esoteric Psychology I , 273


  1. Well, I stumbled upon your site searching for a sufi legend (not the one I found), but I'm under the impression that you are somebody who could understand and discuss with me one topic: and if sexual love were the crown of love, but too strong for us - like Rilke said, "'cause beauty is nothing else/than tremendous at his beginning/we can still hold it/and we admire it moreover/because it, calm, disdains to destroy us". Love, and moreover sexual love, can destroy us, because it is attaining to the source, and we are right to be afraid and to treat it as a sacred thing.

  2. Hello Koinos,

    Sexual love may be the crown of *physical* love, not of real love which is Unity with the Whole.

    From my view, sexual love is sacred because it connects the two persons in many levels, and such unity lasts for aeons. After all, we share our essence with the other person. So sex shouldn't be treated superficially.

    Also, the pleasure derived, acts like a huge trap, the biggest trap there is on earth, that creates huge attachments to earthly senses.

    Of course there is the element of transformation in a decent relationship and through love-making. We lose ourselves in the other, and this creates a certain transcendence, but it has to be followed with decent spiritual effort to be real transcendence. Or else it remains just a physical/animalistic sexual union...
