Monday, January 26, 2009

Following the Inner Guidance

There is mystery in man. There is a Presence beside him which is the path leading to the jewel. The shortest way to find that Presence is to watch, to observe your behavior, your emotional and mental actions, reactions and activities. You must always remind yourself that these activities do not originate in your real Self, but have two different origins. One originates in your lower vehicles mechanically. The other comes from a higher source, which is your Guardian. If you practice observation enough, you will discriminate between these two. One is mostly selfish, negative, separative, materialistic, narrow and limiting. The other is selfless, joy-giving, courageous, fearless, sacrificial, all-embracing, group-conscious, spiritual, progressive, enlightening; leading to service, dedication and gratitude.

Once you are able to discriminate between these two, the next step will be to tune yourself to the higher one, and express the impressions that you receive from that Inner Presence, which eventually will lead you to know Self, to the Jewel.

I followed his advice, and the first thing I saw in myself was a duality. Besides this duality there was a deep, misty point of awareness, which I was not able to identify, but which I knew to be there.

I found a level of consciousness in myself which was receiving special impressions from a source within, encouraging me to change the way I was living, reacting emotionally and mentally. There was also a resistance in me which was laughing at these suggestions, and making me feel at ease with my way of daily living. Sometimes I was following the deeper guidance. Sometimes I was rejecting it and listening to the voice of my mechanical self, of my body, emotions and superficial thinking.

When I was obeying the deeper guidance, my joy, my energy, my creativity were increasing, and I was feeling closer to the beauties of nature. When I was obeying the mechanical calls of my nature, my worries were increasing. I was feeling less secure, less joyous, even depressed, and my creative energy was nil.

Then the most crucial questions came to my mind. Who is the Guiding One? What is It? Is It ‘me’? The more I thought about this Guiding One, the clearer became my understanding of It, and I knew him to be different from the ‘me’ I had always known. The choice was mine; to reject Its suggestions and act mechanically, or to accept these suggestions and adapt them to my own level of consciousness and the point in time.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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