Thursday, January 08, 2009

Four kinds of potentialities in humans

In every human being, there are four kinds of potentialities, namely, animal, demonic, human and Divine.

The one with the Divine quality will be a Brahma-Nishtha or one engaged in the contemplation of the Atma within and will enjoy Atmic bliss and sanctify every moment of life by doing good deeds. Such individual is a Brahma Jnani or Atma Jnani, a realised soul, who is aware of the truth that revering others is revering the Lord and hurting others is hurting the Lord. Such persons radiate divinity though they are in a human body.

The "human" type of persons follow the path of Truth and Righteousness. They are engaged in activities in strict accordance with Sathya and Dharma (Truth and Righteousness), using their sense of discrimination in the fight manner. They discharge their responsibilities without craving for position, power, pelf or fame. Such a person lives in harmony with his fellow beings and discharges his duties with firm belief in the three precepts: fear of sin, love of God and morality in society.

The next type is the demonic person. Such a person does not care for the code of conduct for human beings, indulges in the shameless pursuit of sensual pleasures, is filled with ego and pride, and does not hesitate to hurt others for selfish purposes.

One who lacks wisdom is like an animal. Such a person's life is centered only on sense gratification. Such person deems the transient earthly pleasures as heavenly bliss and lives in delusion devoid of discrimination.

Spirituality involves total extinction of the animal and demonic qualifies in human and the manifestation of his/her inherent divinity.

-Sai Baba

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