Monday, January 19, 2009

In the spiritual life you will find the greatest adventures

More and more, we see young people launching themselves into all sorts of risky adventures, which they justify by claiming that the instruction and example of their elders is old-fashioned: it not only has nothing to teach them but is boring as well. And, besides, you should sample everything life has to offer. I agree, but is this a good reason for them to go and get their wings scorched, guided as they are by their desire for independence and pleasure? Why don't they try to meditate, to pray, to link themselves to the world of light, to grow in love and wisdom?

Would you like to leave behind the banality of everyday life and taste something new, something extraordinary? Well, know that it is in the spiritual life that you will find the greatest adventures.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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