Sunday, February 01, 2009

Be an island to yourself - Buddha

You should be an island to yourself, a refuge to yourself, not dependent on any other but taking refuge in the truth and none other than the truth. And how do you become an island and a refuge to yourself?

In this way. You see and contemplate your body as composed of all the forces of the universe. Ardently and mindfully you steer your body-self by restraining your discontent with the world about you. In the same way, observe and contemplate your feelings and use that same ardent restraint and self-possession against enslavement by greed or desire. By seeing attachment to your body and feelings as blocking the truth, you dwell in self-possession and ardent liberation from those ties.

This is how you live as an island to yourself and a refuge to yourself. Whoever dwells in this contemplation, islanded by the truth and taking refuge in the truth--that one will come out of the darkness and into the light.

-Buddha, Digha Nikaya


  1. Wonderful, thank you Elena! :-)

  2. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Be an island to yourself, Ananda, your life be
    Only dharma." so said the lord to Ananda when Shariputra died? Beautiful sentence
