Monday, February 16, 2009

Drugs cannot feed the soul

You will never be fulfilled by giving your physical body, your heart and your intellect what they ask for. Why? Because you are neglecting your soul, which is hungry and thirsty too. You have to feed your physical body, your heart and your intellect, but you cannot leave it at that.

Indeed the fact that more and more men and women resort to taking drugs is a warning sign. It is a sign that the soul is not able to make itself understood, it is suffocating, it wants to travel in infinite spaces and find the celestial regions. But drugs cannot satisfy the soul, and what is more, they destroy the body. And human beings, poor creatures that they are, do not know how to interpret the language of the soul.

Drugs will never be a solution, because it is something given to the physical body, and it is not the body that is wanting to escape. The need to escape comes from the soul. It is therefore the soul that finally needs to be fed.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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