Sunday, February 22, 2009

Natural calamities, Nature recycles

If we do not have spiritual richness or prosperity, all that we accumulate as material prosperity will work against our own interests and eventually knock us down. This is what we are seeing in our contemporary life. All that we found and have is endangering our survival, through poisoning and polluting nature, through radioactivity, depressions, crimes, and through the danger of a global war and destruction. But it is interesting that when man reaches an impasse and makes himself the prisoner of his inventions and enters into his own coffin, Nature takes over and recycles Itself and gives humanity a new chance to discriminate and choose on the path of its ascent.

The recycling of the Nature means massive earthquakes, submergence of continents, and widespread natural calamities.
People think that Nature recycles only the material universe. It is interesting to know that Nature also recycles the pollution of our emotional, mental and moral emanations and gives us a new chance to proceed on the path of our evolution. This recycling of the emotional, mental and moral pollutions or forces is not done without payment. Man pays for all that he does against nature through his pain, suffering, ignorance and delay on the Path to Home.

-Earthquakes and Disasters, Torkom Saraydarian

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