Sunday, February 08, 2009

Necromancy, mediumism, materialization, channeling, automatic writing

The Ageless Wisdom is against necromancy. It warns against mediumistic activities and warns the servers and students to stay away from all sciences of materialization, channeling, or automatic writing.

Mediums are in contact with shells or, as they are called in esoteric science, corpses, the "spirits" left on the astral plane.

What is an astral corpse? It is the astral body which the human soul leaves behind after he passes into the mental plane, or it is a mental corpse which the human soul leaves behind when he passes into higher mental realms.

Thus we have astral corpses which are of two kinds:
a. Those which last for a long time, according to the earthly and crude substances existing in it, such as lust, addictions, habits, etc.
b. Those which last a few months, days or hours. There are corpses of very advanced human souls. Upon their departure to the Fiery World, their corpses begin to burn either slowly or quickly, or the explode immediately.
We also have mental corpses, which exist in two forms:
a. Those which melt away immediately and disappear.
b. Those which last long time according to the earthbound thoughtforms of greed, possession, revenge, and guilt.

All those corpses that last for a long time in the subtle plane have a tendency to be attracted by the sphere of earth due to existing substances in them of hatred, anger, fear, jealousy, revenge, malice, slander, etc., and due to the existence of ego, vanity, separatism, illusion, greed, revenge, and so on.

Mediums are those who give such corpses energy to come closer to human life and thus reactivate them.
How do the mediums reactivate them?
Ectoplasm and astral energy ooze out of the mediums, building a link between the medium and the corpse, and the impressions existing within the centers and senses of the corpse begin to play back, as if they were tapes or diskettes.

The subconscious mind and sometimes the conscious mind of the medium put the corpse in action and draw the "answers" that the medium needs or messages that he expects, thus making him think that he is in contact with a departed soul.
According to the Ageless Wisdom, no departed souls (except those who are caught in the etheric plane) can come down to earth. But the medium's soul can go into the Subtle Worlds, and if he is trained, he can come in contact with departed ones. But if he is not trained, he associates himself with their corpses, thinking that their are living entities.
In spiritual seances, the apparitions are nothing else but the condensation of a corpse, vested and activated by the ectoplasm of the medium.

It is possible that an advanced psychic may come in contact with living Teachers existing in Their etheric or physical bodies on the planet. This is very possible and such an advanced psychic can bring a great amount of wisdom from such Teachers.

It is also possible that some advanced psychics may come in contact with higher Hierarchies existing on sacred planets, for example, on Venus, where the source of the science of our planet is found. But to be able to contact Masters on Venus, one must have the purest heart possible for a human being.

Some mental corpses are identified with large amounts of scientific knowledge as well as other specialized knowledge. But that knowledge is not any more advanced than knowledge that had already registered in their mind while they were on earth. So these mediums who contact them gain nothing special. Mediums who do not have knowledge of contemporary science, for example, may think these corpses are giving something special!
Also, it is possible that these mental or astral corpses belong to preachers of various religions, and common-place preaching is received containing no wisdom that surpasses that of the past.
Future psychics will be trained not to make contact with shells or corpses, but to withdraw from their astral, lower mental, and even from their higher mental bodies and bypass corresponding astral and mental planes and come in contact with those enlightened spirits who live on the Intuitional Plane. Once such a contact is established consciously, the world will be blessed by a true science, by a true leadership for the good of all living forms on the planet.

What are the dangers of communicating with corpses?

a. Corpses bring astral and mental viruses into the bodies of mediums.
b. They degenerate a medium's immune system.
c. They bring confusion into the medium's mind and cause disorderliness in their lives.
d. They bring separatism, hatred, anger, revolutions, and war into humanity.
e. They agitate the minds of those with whom they had problems in the past.
f. They prevent people from striving for spiritual independence.
g. They spread lies and cause people and nations to stand against each other.
h. They pollute the aura of the medium and the aura of those who are around the medium.
i. Sometimes these corpses even come and melt into the astral and mental bodies of the mediums or into the people close to them, creating incurable mental and astral diseases.
j. These corpses can send signals to dark forces and provide astral or mental substance for them, allowing them to possess mediums and use them as agents of destruction, murder, and widespread crimes.

Those communities who tolerate mediumism eventually pay a high price for it in various way.

We must bear in mind that our goal as human beings is to advance to Higher Worlds using the following five steps:
  1. Continuous efforts with rigorous courses of study
  2. Meditation
  3. Harmlessness
  4. Purity
  5. Sacrificial service
The ascent of spirit or of the human soul toward higher dimensions is conditioned by the "weight" of his bodies, so to say.
The astral body and the mental body can be heavily loaded, or filled with substance that helps to move them toward higher directions.

What are these heavy "weights"?
  1. Earthbound urges and drives such as excessive food, alcohol, drugs, sex, and attachment to property.
  2. Negative emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge, cruelty, slander, malice, glamor.
  3. Dense thoughtforms such as greed, vanity, ego, separatism, fanaticism, insincerity, wounds, and scars collected upon our subtle bodies through harmful thoughts, words, and actions taken against others.
Such loads, wounds and scars make it extremely difficult for a soul to ascend.
Some of these loads are inflammable materials which explode when passing through certain layers or frequencies of the astral and mental planes. In such cases, the human soul can have an experience of being in hell.

On the other hand, if the bodies of the human soul are filled with spiritual substance, it not only makes the flight easy but also an enjoyable journey.

The most precious "substance" of course is the psychic energy, which not only protects the human soul from various attacks but also opens the gates, so to say, on the Path and makes the human soul enjoy the bliss of freedom.


A person brought me a poem given to him by the "spirit" of Kahlil Gibran. After I read it, I gave the person The Prophet to read to see how inferior the poem was that he had received from the "spirit" and said, "Kahlil Gibran has been dead for fifty years. Don't you think that in fifty years his soul could give something far superior than what he gave on earth when he was alive?"

This is a very interesting phenomena. As the corpse begins to disintegrate, its memory becomes more confused, stupid, and foggy.

Mediums and others who call down the spirits of the dead are in grave danger. Here are some reasons:
  1. The vices and subtle sicknesses of the corpse may take root in the medium's nature.
  2. The elementals of the corpse may penetrate into the medium's aura, creating very complicated psychological disorders.
  3. The corpses may disintegrate in the medium's home and environment, causing malodors and even burning the medium's skin.
  4. The corpses can retard the medium's spiritual evolution, infecting his body with inertia, apathy, and degeneration.
  5. The corpses can also sap all the vital energy of the person and kill the immune system.
There are honest and pure mediums. They give something worthwhile to people. But they do not know that they are in contact with their Solar Angel, or telepathically in contact with an advanced disciple.

Such mediums must be educated and trained so that gradually they make better and conscious contacts with their Solar Angels, and eventually stand face to face with Them.
Some very clever and gifted persons, to create attention towards themselves, pretend they are mediums and write books that are below average in quality. Through such an act they prostitute their talents and give the impression to the public that "spirits" exist and the proof is in their books or writings received from such spirits.

To bring such people to their senses is very difficult. But a true disciple must find ways to make the victim know that one day his false personality must be destroyed in order to make him free. It should be pointed out that such a destruction may take ages, leaving a medium behind in his spiritual evolution.

Mediums are persons who are mostly in contact with left-over astral shells, thoughtforms, or images of living or disembodied souls. The moment the human soul leaves his body, he has no interest in the physical objects except if he is trapped in the etheric plane.

A medium very easily can come in contact with such people and be poisoned by them because, actually, the etheric plane is the subtle physical plane. The inhabitants of this plane are all earthbound people. The medium provides them the substance to come in contact with the dense physical plane. Then a medium commits one of the greatest crimes in encouraging such souls not to penetrate into higher spheres and continue their cycle of evolution.

The inhabitants of this plane are:
-total unbelievers

A medium may have certain personal interests to be in contact with these sorts of inhabitants, but nothing is accomplished except that he hurts himself and he encourages such souls to stay longer in that plane.

A question arises: Suppose we have a great scientist who does not believe in life after death. If he is going to live in the etheric plane, can we profit by the knowledge which still exists in his etheric brain?

The answer is yes. Such a person will most probably stay for a long time in the etheric plane. Yes, we can profit from his knowledge, but what is the quality of a knowledge which has no vision of immortality in it? If the major goal of life is ignored, how can one develop faith in the knowledge or information received from such a soul? How can one profit from such knowledge which is generated by material interests, hate, ego, separatism, and remains an end in itself?

Also, how will we be able to see the motivating power behind such a revealed knowledge?
We may wonder how long such a soul remains on the etheric plane. The time is not known, though it acts under precise laws. Such people will probably incarnate and have another chance to come in contact with their Solar Angel or with the light of a Master. It is possible that those who still live on earth can awaken them with their prayers and meditation and awaken in them the light of the eternal Path and lead them to the astral plane.

So we have many sources from which a medium can receive messages. The are

-Dark forces
-Disembodied spirits
-Advanced disciples
-Their own egos

Great Teachers give the following advice regarding psychism:
  1. Do not force yourself to be a psychic until your powers flourish naturally.
  2. Never manipulate your centers and never concentrate upon them.
  3. Find a wise Teacher when you feel that you are ready for instruction.
  4. Never use your powers to satisfy the curious or selfish interests of others.
  5. Study the Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita, The New Testament, the works of H.P. Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, Helena Roerich, and other such literature.
  6. Learn how to meditate.
  7. Observe your moral life and do not be trapped in sex, vanity, greed, hatred, and fear. Such elements destroy the communication line between you and your Solar Angel.
  8. Try to live in the light of your Solar Angel.
  9. Do not talk about your own spiritual striving and discoveries with average people.
  10. Any psychic experience must be reported to your Teacher and no one else.
  11. Any psychic order revealed from the subjective realms must not be obeyed until your Teacher's advice is sought.
These eleven factors will protect you for a long time on your path.


Mediums also contact the phantoms in the astral plane. These phantoms are created in the magnetism of the astral plane when people preserve corpses in mausoleums. The majority of such phantoms visit people and haunt them. We are told that most of the nightmares and hallucinations are caused by these phantoms.

Every object in the world has its astral correspondences. A corpse has its astral correspondence which is the phantom. It is very important that corpses on the physical plane be cremated. Similarly, corpses on the astral and mental planes must be burned away. It is only fire that purifies Space and minimizes the pollution produced by those who follow the path of vice, ego, vanity, separatism, and treason.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Breakthrough to higher psychism

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