Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Prosperity and Abundance

Life's Riches

Spiritual abundance must be possessed first in order to use our material abundance constructively. Christ knew about this. He said “First seek the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you.” The Kingdom of God is spiritual abundance. If we have spiritual abundance, all that we have will work for our eternal interests.If we do not have spiritual richness or prosperity, all that we accumulate as material prosperity will work against our own interests and eventually knock us down. This is what we are seeing in our contemporary life. There are three kinds of people and three kinds of richness:
  1. people who want to have, to collect
  2. people who want action, work and labor
  3. people who want to be
The real richness is in “be-ness.” People can take all that you have, all that you have collected. People can stop your labour, or an accident can stop you. When you are, you never lose what you are. Life after life you grow in beingness, and every time you reincarnate you create abundance equal to the degree of your beingness. How can we have abundance? There are seven main techniques which have been used throughout the ages with great success. They are:
  1. meditation, which includes affirmation and visualization
  2. sacrificial service
  3. joy and ecstasy
  4. actualising the virtues and visions contacted through meditation
  5. sharing
  6. expansion of the field of knowledge
  7. perseverance

You can build karma of abundance by organising your life in such a way that you always give. Give your wisdom, your guidance, you love, your serenity, your money, your labour, your energy and Mother Nature will give back to you with high interest. This is what karma is. Christ said,”To those who give will be given. Those who do not give, the things that they have will be taken from them.” The Great Universal Computer never fails to record any act of giving, even it was a cup of water given to a thirsty man.

Our needs are various, and the answers are subtle and various. Impressions and thoughts come to you, if you really need them. People meet you to help your need. Your Soul extends its hand when you are really in need. Sometimes your need is answered by taking away things you have and by making you lose things to which you are attached. If you are in greater need, greater help will come to you. If you need to guard a tree, you need one man; if you need to guard a forest, you need one hundred men. According to your real need, according to the world’s need, things are given. Greed is the state of consciousness in which you want more than you need. Often if it is given to you, you will not be able to contain it or use it, but you crave it because of some sort of mysterious sickness which is called “psychic hunger.” Abundance can be enjoyed only if one has:

a healthy body, a pure heart, an open heart, positive emotions, a well-cultivated mind, right motives, right plan, honest living, generosity, harmonious relationships.

-Torkom Saraydarian

1 comment:

  1. Καλησπέρα,
    Πρόσφατα μια φίλη άνοιξε συζήτηση για το βιβλίο του Oliver James για την ασθένεια "Affluenza" - μια συμπληρωματική οπτική για το ίδιο θέμα, πιστεύω. Σκέφθηκα θα σε ενδιαφέρει - αν και πιθανότατα την ξέρεις ήδη.
    ΥΓ. Πολύ ενδιαφέρουσες οι αναφορές στον Aivanhov. Να'σαι καλά.
