Friday, February 13, 2009

Relationships from past incarnations

How do human beings come to be part of the family to which they belong? Let us look at the birth of children. When a child is born into a family, he may in a previous incarnation already have had a relationship of some kind with the people who are now his parents. If the child is a boy, he may have been a lover, a fiance or a husband to the person who is now his mother. The same with a daughter and her father; they experienced a certain form of love in the past and now, in order to evolve, they must love each other in a different way.

If a man and a woman feel a sexual attraction for each other in this life, it may well be that they will come back to love each other as parent and child. Once again they will kiss each other, but their kisses will be those of mother (or father) and child. And it may also be that, in a previous incarnation, people who harmed others must now welcome these very same persons into their family as their children so that they may make amends. Be they parents, children, brothers or sisters, the reasons for a certain group of people to be together as one family in this life are infinite and each case has its own individual explanation.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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