Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time and space are an illusion only when...

Time and space are indeed real. Your experiences are indeed real. For those who tell you that it is merely an illusion, by and large that is not their EXPERIENCE. They are mouthing a philosophy; and they're not even giving that philosophy its due credit, because they are not experiencing the truth of it. The truth of the matter is that time and space are an illusion only when one is speaking from and experiencing from the true point of beyond them. And when one is truly beyond time and space, one is functioning in Absolute Sourceness, undifferentiated and nondimensional.

However, when the teachers with whom you have been working speak of relativity as being within the confines of consecutive time and an illusion, from their perspective, it is quite true. Their point of view is valid because time exists for them also, but not in the same consecutive fashion that it does for humanity.

If you firmly believe in the free-flowingness and the liberation of consciousness, then that is what you will experience I your life, which will in turn reinforce your belief. If you firmly believe, as most do, in the binding nature of life, then that binding nature will create all of the validation and proof that you need for believing that. That is the gift that the Creator has given to you.

(Mahatma, 278)

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