Saturday, March 07, 2009

"It will be God you are seeking through me"

Even if you are not yet ready to live them, try to understand that there exist higher forms of love that you must aim for, if you really want your love to make you happy.

A woman cannot give everything to a man, nor a man to a woman, so they should say to each other, 'Please understand I am not able to bring you total fulfillment. Even if I gave you everything I possess, your heart is so immense, the entire universe would not be able to fill it, and your intelligence needs a light I do not possess. Only God can give you everything. So, consent to use me only as a means of getting closer to God. I will stay with you, but it will be God you are seeking through me.'

That is how men and women should speak to each other, and then love would no longer leave them. It would become their permanent state of consciousness, and nothing would ever be able to trouble it. When you live love in this way, as a state of consciousness, you feel constant warmth inside yourself and a light that is never extinguished.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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