Tuesday, March 31, 2009

On earth, human beings are as powerful as all the armies of heaven

Even the most powerful entities of the divine world cannot act directly on earth. Why? Because they are not made of physical matter. In order for them to intervene, human beings themselves must give them the opportunity. As long as there is no traitor within to let the enemy pass, a fortress will remain impenetrable. A traitor is therefore essential! You will say, of course, that there is nothing admirable about this role, but in certain situations it is not bad, either. Since the earth is like a fortress whose occupants are opposed to admitting luminous spirits, traitors are necessary to open the gates.

On earth, human beings are as powerful as all the armies of heaven, and when they want to stand up to these armies, nothing can stop them. This is why heaven seeks traitors, or allies if you like, who agree to let them pass. Spiritualists are just that: allies, thanks to whom heaven can infiltrate this fortress called earth and transform everything.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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