Tuesday, March 03, 2009

To be stable is to be faithful to one's inner commitments

Stability is a subject you don't really want to hear about. To be stable is monotonous and boring, and you have such a great desire for change! But who says stability is incompatible with change? You can change everything you like, as long as you never abandon your high ideal. Once you have decided to walk the path of light, no matter what happens you must keep to this course forever. You can change everything else, but never abandon your divine orientation.

You must understand this well: stability does not mean immobility. If you meet a true master, you will find that he is never rigid and fixed. On the contrary, either physically or by means of thought, he is constantly travelling to visit, teach and heal those who need him. It is inwardly, in his convictions, that he remains unchanged. No attraction of any kind has hold over him. To be stable is to be faithful to one's inner commitments. It is to follow the path to the summit, in spite of everything.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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