Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Trust in the higher nature of others

If you want to encourage the best in others, show confidence in them. Yes, your confidence in others encourages them to walk the path of good, because you awaken something in them which until now has been unable to manifest. Out of their desire to prove you were not mistaken about them, they feel obliged to make an effort. Of course there will always be some who will disappoint you. But tell yourself that all is not lost, for your faith in them will bear fruit later on. One day they will realize that, in appealing to the best in them, you have been a true friend. They will be ashamed they have not lived up to your expectations and will try to make amends.

Does this surprise you? Well, this is how a spiritual master thinks and acts, because he understands human nature, but also because he knows the laws of magic. In spite of their wickedness and betrayals, he wants to enlighten human beings, to help them and make them happy. This is why he continues to trust in their higher nature.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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