Friday, March 20, 2009

Wesak - Torkom Saraydarian

At this time, as the Full Moon is approaching, the Great Ones, the Initiates and disciples are forming a great field of energy in the Himalayas, through their meditation, contemplation, mystical and sacred rituals, and through Their great striving, invocations and contacts.

This is the field which will be charged more and more by the presence of Christ, and through the blessings of the Great Lord Buddha; it will provide a chalice for cosmic energy, and a channel through which these energies can pass to the kingdoms of nature.

This energy field is formed of the four cosmic ethers and, as a huge cloud formation, spreads itself all over the world.

All those who are sensitive enough to this energy field, will slowly notice that seeds of great beauty, truth and goodness start to bloom within their hearts. All those who love their fellow man, all those who really work for the unity of mankind, who really strive beyond their physical satisfactions to reach and touch this field of energy, will be impressed by new age visions, ideas and goals.

When all these people work in their own fields and in their own ways to express these energies, they will create another field of energy which we may call the “Hope of Humanity.” ….The greatest moment of contact of the year will be recognized as the Day of the Wesak Full Moon, the day on which the three great centers on the planet, Humanity, Hierarchy and the Father’s Hoe are linked and fused with cosmic centers, thus releasing potent energies over our planet earth.”

…Thus the Wesak Festival is building a golden bridge between the physical, emotional, mental, intuitional, atmic, monadic and divine planes. Actually, the Wesak ceremony is a great labor of building a communication line between matter and spirit, or among the seven planes of existence. The ceremonies that the Masters are performing with advanced Initiates and disciples is a process to create a tremendous electromagnetic field, to invoke, to evoke, to receive, to assimilate and radiate these energies on all planes, not only on the human level but also upon all the seven cosmic physical planes.

Cosmos in Man
by Torkom Saraydarian

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