Tuesday, March 03, 2009

"The whole course of things goes to teach us faith"

You have been taught to believe that there are some bad people in the world who are best ignored.

Everyone who comes into your life are just as divine as those who provide you with encouragement and support. Emerson put this important lesson like this : "The whole course of things goes to teach us faith." The whole course. This means everything that comes our way.

God indeed works in mysterious ways. That which we judge to be unfortunate and evil can teach us our greatest lessons.

The bully in your life , pushing your fear and panic buttons might just be God in disguise teaching you how to rely on your own wits and transcend this petty tyrant's behaviour.

The thief who cons you out of your money could represent a divine lesson teaching you to let go and not be attached to your things.

All people are in your life to teach you valuable lessons. Don't ignore those lessons. Get the message and bless them and move on. When you ignore them, or simply dismiss them as evil, you fail to understand the truth.

Emerson knew : Truly, the "whole course" of things goes to teach us faith ...so don't ignore parts of the course by judging them worthless.

-Wayne Dyer
Your Sacred Self

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