Thursday, April 30, 2009

Catastrophes and calamities - Torkom Saraydarian

Humanity is being bombarded with pessimistic literature from dark sources which is poisoning it. In this literature we read that:

  1. the earth will shatter into pieces;
  2. atomic radiation will pollute the entire earth;
  3. war and nuclear weapons will wipe out life on the planet; and
  4. the currency will lose its value and bankruptcy will be widespread.

These and similar kinds of ‘news’ will gradually paralyze the human spirit and extinguish the light of the heart. It is obvious that humanity is going through a dangerous time, through a crisis, but this crisis will hopefully put it back on the right track to victory and higher achievement.


There are three ways of looking at the world and the events going on around us. These three outlooks are optimism, pessimism, and carelessness. Optimism means to see darkness in the world but still know that light can come, to know that a person is sick but also know that a remedy can be found; to see the burning building but be able to extinguish the fire.

Pessimism means to see all these conditions without being able to see solutions; to give up in the face of problems and difficulties.

Carelessness means to have apathy and non-concern toward the obstacles created by optimism and pessimism.

The Teaching challenges us to see the conditions of our planet and not to be trapped by any of these outlooks.

The conditions of the world have not improved. Not without reason are you full of expectancy. The abscess is coming to a head. We are on vigil, and he who is with Us is saved. But to be with Us means to know the Teaching; to know means to apply.” Agni Yoga, Fiery World, Vol. 1, para.481

This is the condition of the planet at this time. What should be our reaction to this condition?

“…Precisely in the days of grave sickness of the planet it is important to be filled with courage. By groping one does not pass, but the sword can cleave the harmful veils. Very grave is the moment, and it is necessary to intensify all courage.” Agni Yoga, Community, para. 48

Courage means to stand against the obstacles and find ways and means to annihilate them. The ‘sword’ is your truth, your spiritual values, your faith. If you have that sword, you can destroy the veils that are forming between you and reality.

People see the moral and spiritual degeneration in the world today and become very pessimistic about the future of the planet. The challenge of discipleship is to see the condition of the planet as it really is, but inspire courage in oneself and in others to stand up and try to improve the world situation.


It is known that the presence of a Hierarchical worker can prevent earthquakes and natural catastrophes. Hierarchical workers are often sent to certain places to protect people from natural upheavals by their presence. They are sent to restore peace and understanding, to bring health and prosperity; but they remain unknown until people develop eyes to see their influence.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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