Thursday, April 16, 2009

Homosexuality - Torkom Saraydarian

Homosexuals have a reversed polarity in their energy circulation. High-level clairvoyants can observe how the etheric energy of a homosexual travels from his throat to his gonads in straight lines, from the right shoulder to the right hip and from the left shoulder to the left hip. By contrast, the energy lines in the heterosexual cross at the solar plexus area. The energy does not travel straight down, but flows in a pattern from the right shoulder to the left hip, and from the left shoulder to the right hip.

Polar attraction occurs on different levels. For example, a man with a masculine physical body and a feminine emotional body will attract a man who is emotionally masculine. If their focus of consciousness is in the emotional plane, they will be homosexual in emotional relationship because in the physical plane there is no attraction.

Reversed polarity has a number of causes:

1. The desire and imagination of the mother may contribute to the homosexuality of her child. For example, if a mother is pregnant with a male embryo and for months she desires and imagines that her child is a female, that male child may be born with an inclination to be female and may look for love and affection from males.

2. Parents dress their children the way they want to see them. For example, they dress their son like a girl because they wanted a girl and feel satisfied when they see that their child looks like a girl. Or they dress their daughter like a boy and deal with her as if she were a boy because they wanted a boy.

Such relationships between parent and child slowly shift the polarity of a child because the child thinks of himself as having the sex which his clothing suggests. It is recommended that parents dress their boys like males and their girls like females, in the traditional way.

3. When a woman continually dresses like a man, she starts to change her polarity. The separation of dress was established on the advice of Sages. Dressing like a man makes a woman slowly become masculine in her thinking and behavior.

4. It is also advisable that people of the same sex do not show their nudity to each other. Two nude girls may feel excited when they see each other. The same is true for boys. When they get excited, they look at each other and magnetically create polarity. Two magnets of the same polarity reject each other but attract the opposite polarity. The opposite polarity could be found in the emotional or mental nature of another person of the same sex, causing two girls or two boys to create closer ties, which could lead to homosexuality.

5. Children should not sleep with their parent of the same sex, i.e., a mother must not sleep with her daughter nor a father with his son. If children have to sleep often with their parents, it is best if the son sleeps with the mother and the daughter with her father, but only if the father and mother are sane. Sleeping with the same sex creates tendencies to homosexuality, especially when the children are awakening to sex. Of course, if they are already awakening to sex, it is unwise to let them sleep in the same bed with either parent.

6. Homosexuality is common in monasteries and convents. This can occur for several reasons. Too much pressure on young people to stay away from the opposite sex can cause a change in their sexual polarization. Homosexuality can also be the result of a slowly-growing attraction between those of the same sex who are in constant contact with one another. Exaggerated fear of normal sexual experience can also be a cause. Girls, for example, are often told outrageous stories about pregnancy with all it's problems; boys likewise hear stories of how young women suffered great pain in having babies. If these young people do not have enough information and proper advice and if they do not have normal opportunities to practice relating with the opposite sex, they may choose the easy way of homosexuality.

Once I asked a girl why she was going with another girl. Her answer was immediate: "Because it is safe and more fun."

It is better to allow your children to have friends of the opposite sex than to force them to constantly be with the same sex. Of course, guidance is always needed. If young people should receive sexual overtures from friends of the same sex, it is important that they stay alert or even end the friendship. Certain boys and girls who have homosexual inclinations can easily disturb the minds of your children by their friendships with them.

7. It is a mistake to have sex in front of your children. First, the children will awaken to sex prematurely. Second, during the excitement they will identify with the parent of the same sex - the boy with his father and the girl with her mother without feeling the joy and excitement of the other party. This will slowly awaken a "love" in a child toward his parent of the same sex, which he will later transfer to a partner of the same sex.

Homosexuals should not be hated or blamed for their behavior. Their homosexuality has come about most often as the result of accidents, the social environment and economic conditions, although in certain cases it can be caused by an abnormality in the genes. Regardless of the cause, however, it must be stated that homosexual relationships are abnormal and have no spiritual reward in them.

Homosexuals can normalize their lives only by using extreme discipline and willpower. Celibacy may cure a homosexual if it is practiced for three to five years. During this time, the disturbed energy polarization and orientation may normalize as the sexual energy accumulates. Frequent and undisciplined sex does not give Nature the chance to normalize itself.

Polarity can be restored to normal through visualization because energy follows thought. I once gave three homosexual women visualization exercises in which they saw their energy flow follow the same pattern as that of a heterosexual. Eventually their polarity changed. All three became heterosexual and later married.

Homosexuality is a suicidal process. If everyone became homosexual, soon humanity would die. God did not create men and women to be homosexuals. Homosexuality is not natural; it is a perversion. The natural polarity is that women and men attract the opposite sex for the renewal of the human race.

(from the book "Sex, Family and the Woman in Society")

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