Saturday, April 18, 2009

If you want to improve your physical appearance

It is their nature that stimulates human beings - women especially, but men as well - to strive for physical beauty. But if they are to succeed in this they must also develop qualities of the soul and spirit. Have you noticed how, under the influence of a noble sentiment, faces that are normally devoid of beauty are suddenly transfigured? This is because the movements of our inner life act on our nerves and muscles.

Those who manage to live often in spiritual states gradually transform their face, while women who are preoccupied with their beauty out of a desire to oust a rival only make themselves ugly. The emotions of possessiveness, jealousy and hate are more powerful than any creams, lotions and make-up they may use. Of course, the use of certain beauty products is not to be condemned, but even if you want to improve your physical appearance you must give priority to your inner life.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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