Friday, April 24, 2009

Kundalini, the primal force of man

Kundalini, the primal force of man is an extension of the force that comes from within the core of this planet, deep within the second and third worlds. The Kundalini of this planet is in two sections. One is an extension of the Kundalini of the other planets. The second is an extension of the Being of this Planet. Where man situates his power within himself determines how he tunes into and is affected by this primal spiritual force. Only on those planets, called fire planets, that have great heat at their center can unfoldment proceed swiftly and naturally toward the ultimate destiny. During the Sat Siva Yuga, these rays, extending directly through the spine of man, will be intensified and alive, and humanity will awaken to the oneness of all and the Self within. During the Kali Yuga, these Rays will be dormant in all but a few.

-Taken From The Lemurian Scrolls by Sat Guru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

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