Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The quality of your aura and its ability to protect you

Both beneficial and harmful currents circulate throughout space, but if you have a powerful, luminous aura, those that are harmful cannot reach your consciousness and weaken or damage you. Why? Because before making contact with you they encounter your aura, which prevents them from gaining access.

Now, the quality of your aura and its ability to protect you depend on your way of life. For those who give way to all their lower instincts, the aura becomes like a swamp and attracts only dark and lowly influences. For you, therefore, it is a matter of learning how to work so that your aura attracts only favourable currents. Not only does the magnetic field you create shield you, but it has a beneficial influence on the people around you. Without really knowing why, they have a good feeling in your presence. What they feel, in fact, is the presence of the spiritual beings your aura has attracted.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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