Friday, April 03, 2009

Sexual Illusions and Glamors

There is a tendency among certain groups and religious people to discourage open discussion about sex, believing that it is immoral. But what God created is not immoral. Sex and intercourse are entirely moral. The physical body and organs of man and woman are very sacred. God never created anything dirty. It is people’s sexual manipulation and motives for sex that can be dirty. Because people contradict the laws of God and that which God gave us as sacred and beautiful, they think sex is unlawful, unsacred, dirty and ugly.

Sexual illusions and glamors must be expelled so sex can be discussed openly and clearly without causing arousal. Sane, scientific thought never creates sexual excitement. One of the most important points to remember is that sex not only is physical, but also is related to the etheric body and to the soul.

If you strip from yourself all the glamors and desires put into your body by your mother and father, you will have two urges. One urge comes when a soul wants to be born: he or she excites you and leads you into physical intercourse to create a baby. This is the only real sexual urge that you have. The second sexual urge is from impulses and drives collected throughout ages and stored in your etheric body. These urges are not in your physical body and can be controlled by your mind.

When a person’s mind is pure and contains no illusions, sexual energy can pass through it and supply energy according to real need and purpose. Such a person acts accordingly to the impulse of his higher nature. But if illusions exist in the mind, sexual energy is distorted and misused.

Sexual illusions are wrong ideas and wrong information about sex which make a person act incorrectly. Illusion is a distortion of truth which enters the mind and controls you. For example, some doctors say if you have sex every day your teeth and eyesight will improve; you think it is very good, and so you do it. After a while you cannot even see the figures on the page you are typing, but you continue because “the doctor said it was good to have sex every day”. Now who is controlling you? Nature is not controlling you. Your illusion is controlling you. Sometimes it is very difficult to find which illusion is making you want sex so often.

The following are some of the signs of being controlled by sexual illusion:

a) You are weak.

b) You are not functioning well in your daily life.

c) Your eyesight is weakening.

d) Your hearing is weakening.

e) Your stomach is not digesting well.

f) You begin to have kidney troubles.

g) You become angry easily.

h) You are irritable.

i) You hate people.

j) You are very critical.

k) Your knees ache.

l) You feel shaky.

m) You become out of breath and tire easily with physical exertion.

Such signs indicate that you are violating the energy your Father has given to you.

Incorrect mental visualization and building thoughtforms about sex create illusions that control you sexually. If you desire something and attach to it through imagination and visualization, you create glamor. Glamor is a formation within your astral body which controls the switchboard of the astral body, making you desire certain things, fear certain things or have other emotions.

Glamor can become a body for obsession or it can become an obsessing entity which controls you from the astral plane by remote control. If you do not have a remote-control mechanism in you, no one else can control you. But if you have glamor, it acts like a remote control which someone else can use to turn you on or off. If you have a sexual glamor and somebody starts thinking about you sexually, you are immediately affected by that sexual energy. You start desiring sex or whatever impulse is being directed toward you. Ninety percent of our sexual urges are controlled automatically by our glamors, which are channels for many things.

Glamor is something to which you are emotionally attached and have difficulty separating from. When anything outside controls your free will, free decision and free action, it is a glamor or an illusion. When you have a glamor, your imagination can become so big that it controls you and you lose your power of right action. This is what is happening now in the world.

If you turn on the television or radio, see a film or read a magazine, you are bombarded with sexual glamors and illusions. These build or feed your glamors, and thus you use your reservoirs of energy through the wrong use of sexual energy. Moreover, it takes a long time to replenish that reservoir once it goes dry.

When you lose freedom or free will to something, you are in glamor. For example, money can be a very positive tool, but when money becomes your boss and controls all your thoughts, actions and desires, it becomes a glamor. When sexual urges control you, they become a glamor; but when you control the use of sexual energy according to a high purpose, glamor is not created.

Creative energy flows downward from the head center, and is distributed to the seven centers in your body. This energy provides the real fuel for these centers to do their work. Sometimes these energies are not distributed in the right proportion to allow all the centers to do their regular activities. For example, the sex center may become clouded by many thoughtforms. Consider a fourteen-year-old boy who reads a pornographic book. The boy looks at all the naked girls and sexual pictures and begins to make images in his mind. Those images stay in his mind and when creative energy is brought through his mind for distribution, those images control the use and function of the energy. Those images will channel the creative energy to the sex center instead of higher centers.

When creative energy comes through a mind containing sexual images, the sex center is stimulated because these images are related to the sex center by similar frequency. Even if the sex center was only supposed to receive twenty pounds of energy, it is flooded with 500 pounds of energy, causing the loss of control over that center.

When you lose control of your sex center (or any other center) due to flooding, two things happen. First, the center stops functioning. It becomes paralyzed like a carburetor flooded with gas. When it is flooded, the vibration equation, the petal formation, and the exchange of positive and negative energies that put creative energy into circulation are distorted in that center. This is why people who were very active sexually sometimes suddenly become inhibited, afraid of sex and withdrawn.

The second thing that happens to a flooded sex center is that it leaks energy into the organs and eventually cracks. This causes the person to engage in excessive sex. Excessive sex drains the energy from the sex center and from the other centers as well. The throat center which is related to the sex center will lose energy. The voice of the person changes, becoming weak or raspy; then the person’s creative imagination, ability to visualize, and mental powers suffer because his normal source of energy is being depleted by the sex center.

Using the energy of other centers for excessive sexual activities is like writing lots of checks without having money in the bank to cover them. You are bankrupting yourself.

After the throat center has been drained, energy leaves the heart center, the solar plexus and eventually the head center. Terrible sicknesses start when the head center is drained.

The base of spine center is related to the kidneys. When a person starts leaking energy from that center because of excessive sex, the kidneys are weakened.

The effects of drained centers surface at different times for different people, depending on many factors. One factor is the capacity of the cells and organs to continue functioning; another factor is how strong and pure the cells and organs were to begin with. If you are very healthy and have lived a good life up to the point of becoming sexually drained, your organs take longer to show signs of decay.

Another kind of glamor leading to sexual problems is created when an overprotective parent or an overly strict moral or religious code causes sexual inhibition in a person. Although the sexual energy flows into such a person, he is unable to express it. The energy then creates congestion, distorting first the centers and eventually the glands and organs. Thus illnesses are brought about in the person who entertains sexual thoughts or emotions and then prevents their expression because of fears or moral codes.

Sexual imagination and the reception of sexual thoughts from other people are two ways of polluting our auras. If many men are thinking about a woman and creating powerful sexual thoughtforms about her, those thoughtforms go and attach themselves to her aura and begin to influence her life. Slowly she can be forced to act according to those thoughtforms. A woman can even become a prostitute as a result of the influence of men’s sexual thoughtforms about her.

It is best not to think sexually about other people as it can create forms in their auras that really hurt them. Because of the images of television, movies, magazines, and advertisements, people are constantly bombarded with sexual thoughtforms and desires. These thoughtforms are very difficult to resist.

When the sexual thoughtforms of other people mix with your own sexual imagination, your sex center may become obsessed. Actually it is through imagination and thought, sexually-stimulating reading, desire and low-level sexual intercourse that the door is opened for impressions and thoughtforms of other people. When your sex center is obsessed with thoughtforms of other people, it eventually cut its relation with you, the director. It becomes independent and can attract disembodied entities living in etheric planes waiting for the opportunity to enter someone’s sex center and thereby gain a vehicle for experiencing sex. Then obsession turns into possession.

I have seen many people who were sexually possessed. The told me, “We can’t help ourselves. We can’t stop having sex. We want to kill ourselves.” It is very difficult to remove and entity from a sex center once it has possessed that center.

The best way to prevent such possession is to keep your mind as clean as possible and to avoid creating ties with the wrong people. For example, if you do not want pollution or thoughtforms of others to follow you, do not touch their hands, hug or kiss them. Do not drink from the same cup as they do. Such contacts immediately establish a magnetic link through which their thoughtforms flow to you.

When people have orgasms in their sleep it is either because their sexual imaginations are too strong, or because someone else is imagining having sex with them. Whenever someone is engaged in excessive sex, I till him or her to run, swim, paint, and engage in creative activities because these expend that energy and eliminate congestion.

Movies, television, newspapers and other publications make your mind such a sewer that you cannot control it any more. If you become purified from outside stimulation, you become more natural in your attitude toward sex. You will use sexual energy for the betterment and the sublimation of your body, mind and emotions, and for creating children under the right conditions. Sex used for other purposes will hurt you or stop you on the path of your evolution.

When we die we carry sexual glamors and illusions into the subtle planes. It is almost impossible to eliminate our sexual glamors in the astral plane if we do not work to eliminate them on the physical plane. We must always start working on the physical plane for anything we want to continue in the subtle planes. If elimination of glamor is begun on the physical plane we can make great progress in destroying it in the astral plane, profiting from the instructions of Teachers there.

Many great men and women throughout history have had a strong sexual drive, but their lives prove they controlled that drive and used sexual energy for a great purpose. Such heroes demonstrated the creative use of life-energy.

(from the book 'Sex, Family, and the Woman in Society' by Torkom Saraydarian)


  1. Wow I'm in trouble.

  2. Very informative and interesting. I wonder if stong sexual desire can create an incubus. If so does the incubus acts independant, can it cause virtico? Can this be a way of remote sex that calls a potential partner. Like a love letter sent via heart, mind and chi? Can this remote connection with others be used for good? Can two willing partners have remote sex at a predetermine time?
