Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Understanding all languages

"One Tibetan lama, during his visit to the holy places of India, met on the train an old Hindu sadhu who did not understand Tibetan. By chance, the lama began to speak to him. Although the latter answered him in Hindustani, each understood the other.

When the lama told us of this experience, he added: 'Only in the time of Shambhala shall all languages be understood without previous study because we hear and understand not the outward sound, and we see not through the physical eye but through the third eye, which you see symbolized on the forehead of our images - this is the eye of Brahma, the eye of all-seeing knowledge. In the time of Shambhala, we will not need to rely only on our physical sight. We shall be able to avail ourselves of our great inner forces.' "

The Heart of Asia by Nicholas Roerich on the subject of Shambhala

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