Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The gunas are strongly influenced by food and life style

God is not separate from you; in fact, He resides in you. He manifests when you are virtuous and have the right tendencies and attitudes. The gunas or tendencies of a person are strongly influenced by food and life style. If these are such as to promote body-consciousness, then the six deadly enemies, kama (desire), krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (attachment), mada (pride), and matsarya (jealousy), overwhelm the person. If one rises above the body to the level of the heart, then the divine qualities of prema (love), daya (compassion), sahana (patience), and sahanubhuti (empathy) all manifest in the person.

-Sai Baba
Divine Discourse, May 22, 2000

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