Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Neutralizing psychic poisons

You know the story of king Mithras, who was afraid of being poisoned by members of his entourage and so sought to immunize himself by progressive exposure to poisons. It's true that you can make yourself physically immune to poisons, but is it that necessary? In all probability, none of you run any risk of being poisoned, whereas each day you are all exposed to psychic poisons, and if you don't know how to respond to these you will succumb. So you must practise digesting all the poisons that stupid or wicked people may pour over you on the astral plane.

It was these poisons Jesus referred to when he said: 'Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely.' Then, whatever happens, rejoice, and heaven will rejoice on your account: you will have passed the test with flying colours.

A true disciple of Christ is one who knows how to neutralize the filth they receive, without uttering a word against God or man. And if they give way to a gesture of irritation, rebellion or revenge, they ought at least to look at themselves and say, 'This time I failed, but in future I'll try to transform my anger and impatience into gentleness, love and kindness.'

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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