Sunday, May 17, 2009

Reacting according to likes and dislikes

By behaving according to your likes and dislikes, you do nothing but feed the conflicts around you and flounder in the lower layers of the astral plane. Do not believe, as so many do, that your reactions of like and dislike are based on your intuition about others. No, the origin of these attractions and repulsions is physical, biological, and in no way spiritual.

People have certain elements in the structure of their physical body or face which have either an affinity for elements in your own biological structure or an aversion to them. This is why you feel attracted or repelled by others. And if you take the trouble to reflect and to study the matter, you may very well discover serious flaws in people you like a great deal and, conversely, great qualities in certain people you dislike.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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