Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sexual intercourse and humanity's movement through the chakras


"... essentially, the action of having intercourse with another creates a karmic tie which last approximately nine months to one year, and the entities involved will continue feeling a type of energy or obligation to each other during that takes approximately nine months to one year to overcome such feelings or obligation. That as the relationship intensifies or when this is stronger, these feelings will last longer and the obligations and ties become greater."


This Awareness indicates that souls in coming together intimately, tend to share energies and merge energies from each other. Thus, when entities engage in activities of intimate and sexual nature, the entities or the souls of the entities tend to take on certain frequencies or vibrations of each other, and in so doing, take on karma from each other and the individuality becomes less distinct, more fused between the entities, so that each of the entities involved in such intimate relationship become less defined as their original souls and more melding or merging of the two parties.

Entities who engage in vast sexual encounters with many different entities begin to lose their own identities because they take on so many vibrations of so many others that become part of themselves and redefine them. It is likened unto taken a color or being a color, yellow for example, and having intimate relationship with blue, and finding oneself as having turned green, then accepting brown, purple, red, orange and a dozen other colors, the entity becomes a confusion of all these colors molded into one that is very little like the original color.

The self, the yellow, is no longer recognizable, because the entity has had so many influences from so many others that his or her vibration or frequency is totally colored over by all of the others that have become part of the entity's frequency or magnetic center.

This Awareness indicates in this manner, souls can be altered through their experiences to become something other than what they started out to be and this is that which is known as karma from the excessive intimate relationship. This Awareness indicates it is not so much that this destroys one's soul, but it colors one's soul with the vibrations of so many other souls commingling with one.

Thus, an entity in having close intimate relationships should be very selective as to what vibrations he or she wants commingling with his or her soul. (Revelation of Awareness 96-14 Issue No. 474)


"The present time of humanity as expressing itself in the thyroid, as that time of communication. The next step in humanity will be that wherein entities experience mind over matter; the will, the pineal, which is capable of affecting massive changes in material levels through expressing of mind. Following this will be the time wherein humanity becomes thoroughly capable of responding and experiencing through the pituitary, the doorway to the Divine. ...eventually, the pineal and pituitary merge, the bride and bridegroom, and the Second Coming of that known as Christ Consciousness can appear to every eye, to every individual in the mass of humanity."


This Awareness indicates that the entity whose chakras are open to the pineal may be considered as those who are among the powerful and the wise, for that is how they see themselves. They develop strong personal wills to pursue what they wish...(and) ... generally consider themselves to be quite right in whatever they do.

...the entity whose chakras are open to the pituitary is no longer interested in being right or powerful but is concerned about being able to respond from moment to moment, to whatever needs response. ...the entity whose chakras are open to the thyroid may find himself unable to accomplish anything, but may talk about the accomplishment. The entity is concerned about communication and social expressions and communicates to others what he or she feels. This entity is not especially concerned with responding or with power, but rather with conveying information.

...the entity whose chakras are open to the thymus or heart chakra is generally concerned with ego, pride and giving affection to others, and with the show of self. ...this entity finds this as his or her highest form of expression.

...the entity whose chakras are open to the adrenaline may find himself or herself involved in competition and battling to out-to others. This may be physical or otherwise. ...the entity whose chakras are open to the lyden may find himself or herself concerned with fantasies, illusions.

...the entity whose gonads are overactive and open may become extremely obsessed. This Awareness indicates that the degree of openness affects the entity. That as these chakras open and close often in response to astrological influences. ...these chakras open and close often in response to diet. The chakras open and close often to ideas, and sensual expressions or feedback.

...much of an entity's behavior is regulated by the general condition of one's chakras. That for some entities, certain chakras seldom open, or open only slightly, because the entity is unfamiliar with such aptitudes or levels of consciousness. ...there are some entities whose entire life is within their head and their chakras beneath the head are inactive. There are others whose lives are centered around the lower chakras, concerned with gratification, security, power, or prestige. ... there are others whose expressions are a mixture, and move up and down the chakras.

This Awareness indicates that therefore, entities may understand that even in terms of the development of an individual, things change from moment to moment: attitudes change, values change, feelings change outside stimulus may change and one may have fixed, firm, righteous values at one time, only to find that six months later their values change."


"This Awareness indicates that it is for each entity to accept this Christ Consciousness, this clear light, this all-good, all loving presence by the faith that is available to you if you but open yourself and accept its presence as part of your being. This Awareness suggests this best occurs wherein entities give themselves to the crystal pure, virgin born clear light of truth, the Christ Consciousness,"

(From the Revelations of Awareness newsletters with Paul Shockley as the interpreter)

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