Wednesday, May 27, 2009

True happiness is independent of circumstances

So many people are distressed to see their plans and wishes come to nothing! They want to start a family, for example, and have tried everything, but in vain. Instead of tormenting themselves and bothering others, they should ask themselves why this is so, and they will surely have an answer. Perhaps they are not suited to the life they have aspired to, and Providence has not only spared them some ordeals but has left them free for other activities.

We must always try to see the good in what Providence has reserved for us. But humans do not question themselves; in their opinion, things would have been better otherwise. This is why they are always unhappy, whether or not they are married or have children. Well, happiness does not depend on this or that situation in life but on a correct understanding of things. True happiness is independent of circumstances.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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