Friday, May 22, 2009

The true lover is that one that simply craves to love

To co-exist in the aura of peace, one must learn to adjust to the needs of another. When two individuals walk towards each other, sacrificing a little more with each step, meeting midway between the two poles of stubbornness, that I call an even compromise. When one refuses to make even the slightest attempt to take one step towards the peaceful resolution, inflating himself with the impure air of pride, determined to keep himself bound to the pole of absolute selfishness, that one, I call a pitiful loser. When one leaves all his possessions, breaks every sweet attachment, strangles each one of his desires, bends with sweet humbleness - feeling no shame in stripping each layer of his own dignity and pride, compassionately, selflessly, only giving, treading the path of sharp edged glass, ignoring his pain and blood, only to reach the one to whom he has willingly given away his endearing heart, that one, has recognized and realized the true form of the one God, and I will call that one as My lover. Yes! The true lover is that one that simply craves to love!

But one, today, grudgingly compromises and rarely sacrifices, for he fears to loosen the grip of control that has actually, in trueness, merely suffocated the relationship. The Lord, My dears, is that one that lives only to please His devotees - the king is that one that rules only to save his subjects - the master is that one that can humbly repay each act of service of his servant, then tell Me, My dears, who is truly the slave and who is the true owner? He who bends his head has lent Me his worries, has sent Me the bouquet of faith and has ended the race of hopeless power by withdrawing himself from any competition. No joy can be attained in slandering another into defeat - true victory lies in uplifting each one's defeat and accepting them into the winning army. The one that blows the trumpet of his own victory will, one day, encounter the scorn of self-humiliation.

Know, O child, that in making simple adjustments with another's needs, you have only made a little more space for Me in your selfish hearts. By sharing your space of life, you have given Me the hope of entry. By purposefully breaking your rigidness, you have welcomed the sweetness of My softness. Let each adjustment begin with the acceptance of your own faults. Make room, My dears, for another's weakness. The faults in another must not awaken your own. Do not let another's frustration become the source of your irritability. Let another's annoying habits pass you by - let not another's ill temper ever touch your breath of peace. The one that has hattered himself with the burdens of his worries, needs the glue of your forbearance to put him back together. Remember that your forgiveness of his rude behavior will eliminate the very spark of any future friction. The one that has offered the strength of his shoulders, must bear the wetness of all tears. True love, my dears, is drenching yourselves in another's sorrows, keeping them in the comfort of your hopeful smiles and compassionate radiance.

All is possible, when you have made the ultimate effort. It is easy, My dears, once you have learned to break yourselves, only to link yourselves to another heart.

-Sai Baba

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