Friday, May 29, 2009

What to look for in each other

There will always be attraction and love between men and women, but until they learn how to think of each other and what to look for in each other, there will always be disappointment and suffering as well.

Initiatic Science teaches us to discover in every being the principle which animates him or her. A man must try to discover in the woman he loves the eternal feminine principle, the divine Mother. And because the divine Mother is so rich in colour, fragrance, form and movement, he will never exhaust these riches in his heart and soul. Conversely, a woman must learn to see the eternal masculine principle, the heavenly Father, in the man she loves, and in doing so she will commune with his wisdom, power and grandeur.

If you want to preserve your love, do not dwell on the woman or man you love, but go beyond this being, and seek the divine.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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