Thursday, June 25, 2009

Animals in our thoughts, feelings and desires

Instead of becoming conscious of the immense role they play in creation and participating in the work of the Creator, human beings confront each other like animals and tear each other apart. Yes, because in reality there are animals still living in them in the form of unbridled instincts: aggressiveness, possessiveness, sensuality, and so on.

Just because human beings have learned to appear more civilized, it does not mean they have rid themselves of their animal impulses. Sometimes, behind the friendly air of someone who smiles at you and says: 'Hello, how are you? What a pleasure to see you!' there lurks a wild beast who wants to pounce on you and devour you. And don't you sometimes find yourself in a similar state of mind?

Animals exist in our thoughts, our feelings and our desires, and our work is to tame them so that they can participate with us in cosmic harmony.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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