Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Causes of earthquakes and natural disasters

What does the Ageless Wisdom say about the causes of earthquakes and various natural disasters?

We know that human negligence is causing much of today's "natural" disasters, but is there a more subtle reason beyond the physical negligence?

Could it be that our physical actions are only an outer manifestation of our emotional and mental attitudes? Could we be triggering the hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis all around the world by the very thoughtforms that we are creating daily? Could all the ugliness, pain and suffering, revenge and killing cause damage to the benevolent energies that can protect us? Could the earth be reacting to all the negativity and violence in our daily lives?

If we can easily prove that human negligence causes disasters, then how much more do we need to do to stretch our minds and understanding to see that behind the actions or lack of actions, stand a huge set of belief systems, thought processes, emotional desires, national and religious hatreds, and separatisms. These form the underlying forces that shape the subtle aspects of our world.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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