Friday, June 19, 2009

Comforts and laziness

Certain basic conveniences are obviously indispensable for us. But if you want to preserve what is truly alive in yourself, don't attach too much importance to comfort, for laziness will lie in wait for you, exposing you to currents that dull your sensitivity and hinder your evolution. Try to dispose of all your weighty baggage, all your concerns about material things that are not absolutely necessary, so you can go ever further, ever higher.

I am not against material progress that makes life easier and more comfortable, but comfort as it is lived by most people is dangerous, because it goes against the work of the spirit. All physical activity is connected to the spirit, and this kind of passivity, this laziness favoured by technical progress, hinders the powers of the spirit.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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