Monday, June 01, 2009

Complaining closes your inner doors

There are so many circumstances in life that can upset us! You must never complain at such times, however, because by doing so you close your inner doors to any improvement in your state. When someone offends you or treats you unfairly, it is normal to feel disappointed, sad and hurt. But if you talk about it everywhere you go, bewailing your plight, you do nothing but aggravate your wound.

So what should you do? Put the whole thing aside, and, when you meet your neighbours and friends, instead of going into all the details about how cruelly you have been treated, forget about it for the time being. Most likely they are suffering over something themselves, so ask yourself how you can help and encourage them. The kind words you speak to others will do you good as well, for they will help to heal your wounds.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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